Chapter 10 - May

“What are you waiting for? Open it! Aren’t you curious to peak inside?”, Death said.

“Go away! This is private and doesn’t concern you!”, I said.

“Everything concerns me when it comes to your wellbeing. Go on, open it. What’s the worst thing that it could possibly be?”, Death asked.

“The end of my friendship. The end of my memories. The end of my chapter”, I answered.

“Always so sullen and pessimistic. Have you considered the possibility that might be the beginning of a new chapter?”, Death said.

Bonnie Pointer’s, “Heaven Must Have Sent You”, started playing on the radio and I pictured Christian sitting in his golden wheat field - alone but happy.

It was time to move forward.

Inside the box was a treasure trove of Tuck’s favorite 8-tracks and hidden underneath, laid my yearbook.

“Ah, your yearbook. There’s a letter inside. Read the letter”, Death said.


Chapter 9 - April